Photo by Glenn Carstens-Peters on Unsplash
(in a post COVID19 world passing around bits of paper and a pen should be dissuaded – use an electronic version if necessary)
Some brief notes that I’ve used when giving ride briefings to large groups:
- ride leader introduction – name, bike, distinguishing features (helmet/bike etc)
- note ride will not suit inexperienced/novice riders due to the pace, duration and length
- note that this is a level 4-5 ride (capable of double advisories etc when safe)
- pass around two contact sheets: confirm rider name, bike and emergency contacts, ask for first aiders to note such on sheet; one printed copy for leader, one for TEC
- the route:
<insert route details>
- call for a volunteer to be TEC – note bike/gear/distinguishing features on contact sheet
- first aiders identified to group
- corner marking system:
- two corner markers/corner due to large group & potential for rides to become intermixed
- corner mark where safe to do so, be visible
- corner markers to wait for TEC
- TEC to flash lights & beep horn
- TEC won’t pass corner markers unless dangerous to not do so
- if in doubt don’t leave your corner (the TEC will notice that you haven’t passed them and come back for you)
- if a rider takes a wrong route one CM to go after them, other CM & TEC to wait at the corner
- no removing lids, lighting smokes etc when corner marking as we want the ride to keep moving as much as possible
- if leaving the ride inform the TEC so that we don’t send out search parties
- TEC to inform leader at next stop of leavers, paperwork/rider count to be updated
- at breaks leader to signal 5 minutes before departure, riders to gear up, leader double beeps horn to announce departure, be ready
- note responsibility of riders to
- wear appropriate protection
- commence with a full tank of fuel
- 200km/tank range expected
- roadworthy motorcycle with good tyres
- carry maps/GPS, tyre kits & tools, visor cleaner, wets & thermals etc
- remind CMs to WAIT for TEC
- in the event of an accident:
- one/two riders to stay with injured & contact emergency services/send for help
- riders to go ahead/behind to alert oncoming traffic
- make scene safe where possible/safe to do so
- if not needed, move on (don’t crowd the accident scene)
- remainder of ride to appoint new TEC & move to next fuel/break stop then inform leader
- note lack of mobile coverage/signal to be expected (use flight mode to conserve battery)
- Etiquette
- no undertaking
- give riders room when overtaking
- keep an eye on your mirrors for faster riders approaching
- allow faster riders to overtake when safe to do so
- foot signal to pass
- pointing/markers for obstacles (single CMs at hazards)
- maintain decent gaps between riders
- expect wildlife, gravel & variable road surfaces
- note that we will have unfamiliar riders in our group
- ride responsibly & you ride at your own risk
- ride within your own limits
- be kind to each other; this is *not* a race; we are often a long way from help
- do a count of riders and confirm all accounted for on contact list
- did everyone listen to/hear the briefing?
Name list fields
- ride attending (primary sort by this field)
- handle (secondary sort by this field)
- real name
- rego
- make/model
- mobile #
- ICE contact #
- first aid experience
- Leg 1 – …
- Leg 2 – …
- Leg 3 – …
- …
- total distance xxx and duration yyy for the day
- note breaks, lunch stop and duration